Tuesday 3 June 2014

Great Irish June Bank Holiday 2014

Evening Sun - Howth

It started out last week with great hopes of a high drifting up from the Azores to sit over the British Isles for the week.
Hopes continued to rise until Thursday when the great low decided to haunt our weekend with forecasts of torrential rains and a nasty low infested week to come.
So plans rescheduled we had a great Saturday sail North to Howth mooring off the breakwater in glassy seas and calm skys.

The windlass had its first test and performed to perfection.
The dimmer fitted to the new fuse panel came into its own and was needed for night time.
The aroma coming from the restaurants from Howth were amazing.

But the setting sun was beautiful.

Islands Eye

Howth Breakwater 

Islands Eye